Cost Chart

In general, the first part, which includes the mentioned optimizations, includes scientific, technical and specialized cases, which are done based on our experience and scientific and experimental documents, but sometimes specialized tests on products or materials during the process are necessary. Some of the optimizations include optimizations of job descriptions or organizational chart, production line layout and warehousing items that do not cost the company and are done based on our expertise, but if some items need to be tested outside the customer's facilities. These tests are costly and therefore the cost of services in the first part is different according to the customer's request.
In the second part, standardization, the preparation of special standards and documentation, the cost of specialized tests by contractors also has its costs, which adds to the cost of providing services.
Setting up laboratories
In the third part, the cost includes only our cost and our specialized personnel who will be stationed at the project site if needed.
Therefore, in general, we do not need special tools and equipment. And our activity is knowledge-based and based on scientific, technical documents and official standards. Costs include the preparation of standards and other legal documents, the cost of specialized tests and obtaining Scientific / technical documentation as well as transportation costs and accommodation at the workshop or factory, if necessary.
Another important factor is the time required to achieve the desired result in a project, which is determined in the first meeting or in the first visit, and based on customer demand can take from one month to one year and is quite effective in cost.