About Us

Novin Vesal Consulting and Technology Company was established in 2003, which operates in scientific and technical consulting industries. With experienced management, the company provides consulting services related to the food and chemical industries, including the development and improvement of formulations, laboratory standards and the development of analytical methods. The project has undergone several optimizations and development activities over the years in various food production processes and the chemical industry. To improve their skills and knowledge, the members of this company have passed various training courses and received various certificates related to food and chemical engineering from reputable institutions such as the Research Institute for Development and Research of the Chemical Industry, the Specialized Center for Chemical Analysis of the Iranian Chemical Industry Development and Laboratory.  The company specializes in chemical and microbial analysis of various substances such as flour, cocoa, carbonated beverages and dairy products, physicochemical tests of canned food, oils, mayonnaise and ketchup, water quality testing and general quality control. In short, the economic activity of the company is in the food, chemical and oil industries and with three general orientations. All our activities are done in the form of field visits to the factory or workshop and laboratory examination of goods and customer documentation studies.

A- Process optimization, optimization of production line of the factories and manufacturing workshops and optimization of product formulas: In this regard, optimization goals can be increased efficiency, increased production, reduced waste, increased system efficiency, improved quality Products, more durable packaging and increasing the shelf life of the goods, spending less energy and clean produce greener and cleaner energy.

B- Standardization and quality control and adaptation to national, regional and global standards: Identify the necessary and required standards for specialized tests, identify standard of goods at national or international level with the aim of exporting to Target countries, identifying specialized laboratories and using their capabilities to perform tests, scientific sampling of products and materials during the process, and finally interpreting test results and determining the quality of goods. Provide a way to enhance the quality and achieving the desired quality and standard of the target.

C- Consulting in setting up workshops, laboratories and production lines for applicants for investment applicants in new or development projects, as well as launching or supplementing and optimizing specialized laboratories in factories and manufacturing centers.

In general, according to the part A, which includes the mentioned optimizations, includes scientific, technical and specialized cases based on our experience and scientific and experimental documents, but sometimes specialized tests on products or materials during the process are necessary and required. Some optimizations include tasks or organizational chart optimization, production line layout and warehousing items are not costly and are done based on our expertise, but if some items need to be tested with customer facilities, these tests are costly. And therefore, based on the customer’s request, the cost of services in the first part is different.

According to the part B, the standardization, the provision of specific standards and documentation, the cost of specialized tests by contractors also has its own costs, which adds to the cost of providing services.

According to part C, the cost includes only our cost and our specialized personnel who will be stationed at the project site if needed. Therefore, in general, we do not need special tools and machines. And our activity is knowledge-based and based on scientific, technical documents and official standards. Costs include the preparation of standards and other legal documents, the cost of specialized tests and obtaining scientific / technical documentation, as well as the cost of transportation and accommodation at the workshop or factory, if necessary. Another important factor is the time required to achieve the desired result in a project, which is determined in the first meeting or in the first visit and based on demand. The customer demand can take from one month to one year and it is quite effective in cost.