Scientific engineering and technical advice Food and chemical industries

Various activities in food, chemical and petrochemical industries

Increase productivity and improve processes

Process optimization, optimization of production line layout of factories and production workshops and optimization of product formulas: In this regard, optimization goals can be to increase efficiency, increase production, reduce waste, increase system efficiency, improve product quality, He pointed to more durable packaging and increased product durability, lower energy consumption and cleaner and greener energy production


Standardization and quality control and compliance with national, regional and global standards: identifying the necessary standards for specialized tests, identifying standards, characteristics of goods at the national or international level with the aim of exporting to target countries, identifying laboratories Specialized and using their capabilities to perform tests, scientific sampling of products and materials during the process, and finally interpret the test results and determine the quality of the product. Provide a way to increase quality and achieve the desired quality and standard

Establishment of research and development laboratories and quality control

Consulting on setting up workshops, laboratories and production lines for applicants for investment in new or development projects, as well as setting up or completing and optimizing specialized laboratories in factories and production centers


The company specializes in chemical and microbial analysis of various substances such as flour, cocoa, carbonated beverages and dairy products, physical and chemical tests of canned food, oils, mayonnaise and ketchup, water quality testing and general quality control.

General orientation of the company's economic activity

Field visit to a factory or workshop

Review customer studies and documentation

​Laboratory examination of goods

contact us

There are many ways to communicate with us

Iran Office

Unit 1, No.59 ,Rashid St. , Tehranpars, Tehran, Iran Tel: (+9821) 22238743

Canada office

7191 Yonge St. ,509, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada, L3T 0C4  Tel: +1 (647) 293-7822

Exp: 09123456789

COST chart


If some items need to be tested outside the customer’s facilities, these tests are costly and therefore the cost of services in the first part is different according to the customer’s request.


In the second part, standardization, the preparation of special standards and documentation, the cost of specialized tests by contractors also has its costs, which adds to the cost of providing services.

Setting up laboratories

In the third part, the cost includes only our cost and our specialized personnel who will be stationed at the project site if needed.